
Mirela & Florin ~ Love the Dress

Love the dress Nunta

love the dress © cristian conea (51)

Daca va intrebati ce fotografii ati putea scoate intr-o zi cu mult soare arzator si un peisaj usor bacovian cu mult praf, avem noi mai jos rezultatul experientei noastre :)
Desi am avut emotii cu gasirea locului, credeam ca nu o sa mai ajungem, m-am bucurat de ceea ce am gasit acolo. Impreuna cu Mirela si Florin am facut o super sedinta foto, Love the dress ii spunem noi.. mai pe romaneste – o sedinta foto relaxata, dupa ziua nuntii, intr-o locatie mai speciala.
Vizionare placuta! :)
Cu drag,

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love the dress © cristian conea (6)
love the dress © cristian conea (7)
love the dress © cristian conea (8)
love the dress © cristian conea (9)
love the dress © cristian conea (10)
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love the dress © cristian conea (14)
love the dress © cristian conea (15)
love the dress © cristian conea (16)
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love the dress © cristian conea (18)
love the dress © cristian conea (19)
love the dress © cristian conea (20)
love the dress © cristian conea (21)
love the dress © cristian conea (22)
love the dress © cristian conea (23)
love the dress © cristian conea (24)
love the dress © cristian conea (25)
love the dress © cristian conea (26)
love the dress © cristian conea (27)
love the dress © cristian conea (28)
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love the dress © cristian conea (30)
love the dress © cristian conea (31)
love the dress © cristian conea (32)
love the dress © cristian conea (33)
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love the dress © cristian conea (36)
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love the dress © cristian conea (38)
love the dress © cristian conea (39)
love the dress © cristian conea (40)
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love the dress © cristian conea (44)
love the dress © cristian conea (45)
love the dress © cristian conea (46)
love the dress © cristian conea (47)
love the dress © cristian conea (48)
love the dress © cristian conea (49)
love the dress © cristian conea (50)
love the dress © cristian conea (51)
love the dress © cristian conea (52)

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